6 Tips on How Healthy Snacking

Ideally, healthy snacking contain little or no sugar, little or no sodium (salt), no white flour and little or no saturated fat. When you choose a snack, always remember to read the ingredient list on food labels; if there are many ingredients that you do not know, chances are that these materials are chemical additives and preservatives, avoid and choose products that contain ingredients natural.

tips on how healthy snacking

tips on how healthy snacking

There are a few tips on healthy snacking, you need to know whether your snacking desires are physical or psychological demands. If hunger arises because you have not eaten for a relatively long time, it is reasonable. However, if you are not hungry and snacking due to stress or boredom, for example, you must pay attention to your snacks:

1. Plan snacks that you want
Plan your snacking can help you improve or change their eating habits with a healthy diet such as low-calorie snacks, fats and simple sugars. Non-fat yogurt flavors with fresh fruit slices or clear soup between meals can make to increase energy and prevent you from overeating at meals or snacks that will make the list you must pay attention to the consumption of these foods contain.

2. Try sour or spicy snacks, not sweet
Dispose of the desire for sweet foods and snacking instead of eating a sour fruit or drink a glass of water. Assorted spices such as cinnamon and ginger are blended into fruit can provide a sweet taste.

3. Bring a healthy snack
Buy snacks that are so diverse because of the content received was varied. Bring your snacks are planned into the bag, car, office. So that you are not tempted to buy other food. Eat a wide range of food is very good because each food has a protein content of different vitamins and protein for each food has a variety of content.

4. Combine protein with carbohydrates and fats.
Choose snacks that contain a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. The combination of apple slices with nuts, raisins, or a piece of dry bread covered with cheese, and eaten together.

5. Do a walk
In addition to getting rid of various sweet snacks, candy, or chocolate, try to do something to get rid of your hunger. Do a walk, call a friend, watching, or reading a book. These activities can distract and forget about your desire to eat snacks that are not planned.

6. Try to drink hot or iced tea
Warm beverages like hot chocolate with no sugar or coffee with low fat milk will be very satisfying hunger. as well as drinking cold water with lemon drops or ice tea with artificial sweetener.

You should try to tip them if you like, do not do anything it does not matter. I'm just sharing tips on how healthy snacking