Overcome Child Lying Likes

Have you found your child lie? This is possible because children are afraid for doing something wrong or do not want to get caught on what he had done. Here are some tips to overcome the child's deceitful.

Overcome Child Lying Likes

Overcome Child Lying Likes

In addition to the above-mentioned reasons, children usually like to lie because learning from the surrounding environment. Can also be done to attract the attention of his friend. But whatever the reason, lying is something that is not true.

Lying just indirectly smoothly. Usually there is a process. Starting from the model to successfully speak fluently. If you find your child to lie once, do not be tolerated. Starting from a small lie, could be a big lie.

If children do lie, do not immediately discredit him. Moreover, to scold and yell. It will only make it defend itself and increasingly do not want to tell the truth.

And do not let the child do so only if the lies. Because omission, would make him feel what he did was not wrong and will repeat it again. For that, you have to talk to the children as well.
As a parent, you should immediately notify your child without discredit that what he did was not good. You can use a language that does not make it feel soft and cornered her.

You need to find out what is causing your child to lie. If that model the behavior around it, you and your family should certainly introspection first. When you lie to cover up his weaknesses, you should help to highlight the advantages it has.

Make a deal with the child and the consequences if he violated it. For example, should not be playing games, can not play outside for some time, and other consequences if he is deceitful.

You can also advise on the impact that would occur if he did lie. As no longer be trusted by others, make others sad, hurt, and angry. Ask what if it happened to him.

Give an example of good behavior and attitudes in children deceitful. That way, he would be ashamed and realize that what he did was wrong and could hurt someone.