To make your child want to eat it needs its own tricks. Here are some ways handle a difficult child to eat, hopefully be able to help you and your healthy eating habits in children:
Creating a Good Atmosphere Eating
When your child does not want to eat his food until they run out or did not even touch his food, should not be forced, because the more you force the child eating problem worse. You can handle a difficult child to eat by changing mealtime more enjoyable by taking her making meals together, experimenting with new recipes or can also decorate the food he did not like such as vegetables become more attractive.
Consult a Doctor
If your appetite is the main problem of poor eating habits for children, dealing with children who are difficult to eat you can do by asking your pediatrician or nutritionist. Usually the doctor will give specific vitamin or milk may increase a child's appetite.
Invite Little for Cooking
Do not consider the child as a bully when he approached you to the kitchen. Invite him to help you prepare meals, and took part in some simple tasks such as stirring, mixing or even wash your food. That way, you can help to stimulate creativity, agility training and honing skills work together, but it also strengthens the relationship between parent and child. By helping prepare food, children can learn to cultivate their own food after.
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
Fresh fruits and vegetables to keep your body healthy child, so increase your intake of vegetables and fruits your child. Maybe you could try to cultivate vegetables and fruit as light snacks are added to some foods such as chocolate or cornflakes favorite, or try new recipes for vegetable and fruit processing into food that has not been tried, so it will increase a child's desire to eat healthy
Eating together
If there is, take your child uncles, brothers sisters child, or if you need a neighbor's child the same age as your child, because the child will usually more than happy and willing to eat when bustling atmosphere. Hopefully you can do to handle a difficult child to eat.