Important Steps Caring Infant

Care for infants is not easy. Here, there are some things that can be observed associated with the efforts of parents caring for a baby, so that the growth process can be run optimally.

important steps caring infant

important steps caring infant

Put the infant in the chest at birth Babies will find the mother's nipple soon after birth if placed in the chest. At that time also, infant will suck breast milk has not even come out. This would be the baby's sucking stimulates milk production. Babies who do not suck the milk in the first 30 minutes after birth, breast-feeding capacity will also go down.

Do not discard the first milk that comes out The yellow was out of milk the first time should not be discarded. Breast milk called colostrum contains proteins and antibodies or antibodies that babies are more robust in the face of disease.

No stale milk Unlike formula, breast milk is never stale. Mother who for some reason can not breastfeed her baby in some time, do not hesitate to breastfeed longer. Quality of breast milk given at that time came out as good as the first time.

Breastfed babies more easily hungry Properties that are easily digested milk makes babies hungry faster. Babies who are breastfed will drink more frequently, about 1-3 hours. When the weight of breast-fed infant increased, a sign the baby is getting enough food. Do not give solid foods too early, so as not to cause a blockage in the intestine that can be fatal. Baby's digestive system is not perfect until he was 4 months old.

Do not boil the milk is stored Working mothers can squeeze milk and store it in a sterile bottle. Each bottle of breast milk should be written the date and time of extortion. Milk stored in the freezer can last between 2 weeks to 4 months. At room temperature milk last for 4-8 hours, while in refrigerators last about 24-48 hours.

Breastfeeding done using the first-in-first-out. Milk entering the refrigerator or freezer first, that's what should go first. When about to be given, the milk should not be heated with a heating or microwave because the substances contained in the breast milk may be damaged. For the milk is in the refrigerator, you should soak the bottle in a container of warm water until the milk is not cold anymore. New fed to infants. As for milk stored in the freezer, it should be transferred first to the refrigerator to thaw. Once it has warmed up in a container of warm water.

Warm water compress Providing drinking more often so helps reduce fever plus fever-lowering drugs. Compress for babies better if with warm water. Several studies have shown, warm compresses more useful in reducing fever than a cold compress. Do not compress the alcohol for fear of poisoning. If the fever continues to grow higher and take the baby to the doctor immediately.

Babies frequent bowel movements Babies who are breastfed initially obtained stools tend to be somewhat liquid and as seed-grain. The frequency can be 4-6 times a day. However, at the age of 1-2 months, the frequency can be reduced to 4-6 days. No need to worry about infant condition during stay calm, no fuss, no abdominal bloating, vomiting no constantly, and the stool is not hard. This condition is due to milk more absorbed by the intestine and will take longer to be issued as a stool. Feces of infants aged 2-3 months will start. New at the age of 4 months, feces began to take shape. The important thing is not infant feces transformed into a liquid with no pulp or accompanied by blood. When this happens, the baby should be immediately taken to the doctor. Similarly, if infant no bowel movement for more than 6 days.

Notice the little things At the age of two months, infants can respond well when spoken to by his mother or father. At the age of three months, when the infant hands slowly lifted until the agency come up, the neck should come up. If the baby does not come too neck should have suspected abnormalities. At the age of three months old baby is not clenched hand. When at the age of 4 months of your baby's hands are clenched, 90 percent indicates a problem. Classic symptoms of autism can also be seen from the little things. For example, the infant does not respond when spoken to, like head banging, fist sizes tend to be larger, toddler flipping cars and rotate the tires up to many times, and absorbed in his own world. Autism occurs due to a lack of serotonin which is a neurotransmitter in the brain. If recognized and treated early, under the age of 2 years, the result will be better. It is more difficult when it was discovered at the age of 5 years, since nerve cells are not growing anymore.

Weight loss should rise Infants should be monitored body weight, height, and head circumference. Monitoring results can be compared with siblings of the same age or other children the same age. Babies who stay thin are not to worry about as long as her weight continues to rise. Maybe posture is indeed small.

Immunization schedule Immunizations needed to provide immunity for the baby. With immunization, 2.7% of all deaths per year could be prevented. Some important diseases can be prevented through immunization, such as diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, pneumonia, Hib, and hepatitis. Basic vaccines given to infant is DPT, polio, hepatitis, Hib, measles and BCG. Span of two months due to vaccination are further enhancing immunity. Effects of basic vaccines such as high fever, seizures, swelling or shock, is still a source of concern for parents.