Causes Baby Woke at Night
Although sometimes the night waking is something that is not lost on the stage of development of your baby. And it helps you to determine the cause of the baby woke up in the night so that you can handle it.
Cause baby wakes in the night are:
A wet or soiled diaper. Some babies are bothered by a wet diaper condition. Some will not. If possible, change diapers just before feeding, since the baby is usually sleepy after eating.
Nightgowns uncomfortable. Be aware of the possibility of your baby's skin is allergic to certain fabrics, detergents, or fabric softeners.
Cause baby wakes in the night could be due to hunger.
Babies have more or less the size of the stomach by his fist. digestive systems are designed to share a little food, but with the frequency that often. To reduce hunger at night, give your baby eat in a frequency that often during the day.
Nasal congestion causes one baby wakes in the night as well. In the early months, babies need a clean nasal passages to breathe. To overcome this, wipe the baby's nose regularly when bathing in the afternoon.
Infant heat or cold.
The bed was cold. When the baby with a warm body temperature conditions placed on a bed of cold, he would often wake. for that, use a blanket or warm as flannel sheets made in the cold.
The voices of the unknown. The voices were surprising, especially foreign voices, loud, and came suddenly, often waking a sleeping baby. especially when it happens when the baby is not sleeping soundly.
Challenges of Caring for Twins
Prepare early on
When you know was pregnant with twins, begin preparation of treatment now. Starting from preparing expenditure, both for labor to costs if a child is sick. So even in preparing for baby supplies.
Talk with your partner, the task of caring for twins sharing. You also might consider whether or not a third party such as a parent or babysitter to help care for. Note also care for his brother, not to feel neglected because of the existence of the twins.
Here's the tips treating twins can help you:
It's time to bathe the twins, it's good to do it separately. Especially for infants aged 0-6 months because they are still vulnerable. At that age the baby bathed in turn and ask your husband or caregiver to keep the other children. If the twins have started great, you can bathe together.
Alternately bathe the twins when she was a kid make it easier to dress when entering events. And on the issue of clothing, twins does not mean to put anything else together. You can distinguish the color of clothing to make it easier to identify where the brother and sister.
Problem breastfeeding twins, you can do so alternately or-even once. You can also flush milk and put it into a bottle and give it to the baby and let the baby suckle them again directly. Make sure you eat nutritious foods and beverages in order to maintain milk production.
The difficulty of holding the twins while walking? You can use a stroller that can save energy. Make sure the stroller is selected according to the needs and comfort of the baby.
Activity feed the twins can be a hassle. To fix this, you can sit them on a special chair for easy feeding babies interchangeably. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from their husband or others. Finally, make a pleasant dining atmosphere.
Having twins does not mean to take care of simultaneously. Ideally the twins should get the same treatment, but this does not apply if you are just alone in care. Patience and sharing a great time to be the key to success treating twins.
Baby Sound Effect
Intelligence is complex. Therefore, until now, there has been no direct evidence that music can stimulate the fetal brain that later can have a certain IQ. What is clear, about 60-80% of a person's intelligence is usually genetically inherited.
However, the child who used to listen to classical music for a quiet, does tend to be a quiet boy. He also easy to sleep soundly. And sleep has to do with brain development. According to some studies, the nerve cells in the brain to grow rapidly when the child is sleeping. If he slept pretty and quiet. Became maximal brain development.
At the age of 3-6 months, parts of the brain that help children cope with and control the emotions began to grow. He also enjoys the interaction with other people. Of each response given adults around him, he learns that the smiles, tears, and other things he was doing to give back an emotional response.
To help development, try to make a play on words or trying to make sounds together. Then pancinglah child to try to imitate the sounds he liked. Although he has not understood, it could still interact with him via chat, read a story or sing to her.
Beware Of Baby Animal Bites
Discharge of pus or other fluids.
Swelling and pain.
The emergence of the red stripes on the bite area.
All you need to do when a baby has an animal bite, namely:
Apply pressure on the part bitten hard to stop the bleeding.
Wash the bite with soap and water to clean.
When you come from insect bites, apply calamine lotion to relieve itching.
Keep your baby does not do scratching the bites.
And the time after your baby has the condition, immediately contact your doctor if the bite comes from animals that are likely infected with rabies, the bite looks bigger, the baby had difficulty breathing after the bite, appeared red spots and itching all over the baby's body after a bite .
In addition to pets such as dogs or cats, babies may be exposed to insect bites. Insect bites usually cause a mild reaction. However, in certain cases insect bites can also cause severe allergic reactions. Meanwhile, human bites have a higher risk of infection than animal bites. So take care and if necessary avoid your baby is playing himself in order to avoid the attack of an animal bite.
Avoiding Squint Eyes Baby
Here's a little exercise you can do:
Avoiding Squint Eyes Baby
Hanging toys hanging right above the stomach, making it comfortable for the baby to see it. Do not hang toys just above the eyes. We ourselves must glaring sore that continues while sleeping. Do not draw attention to the baby items are placed too close to the eyes. Good distance is 25-30 inches. From birth the baby is able to see objects within sight of 25 centimeters.
Do not draw attention to the baby to see past the top of his head. Often without realizing we surround our babies. The sound of people sitting near his head would also draw attention to the little guy, so he will try to see the direction of the sound. So, we should not sit or place items near his head.
Avoiding Squint Eyes Baby
Obesity Infants
Grease is normally very good, but what if your infants obesity or overweight?
Will this property?
Because there are lots of factors that should be considered by parents due to obesity in infants.
For younger children this would not be a problem, but when the more mature, it will affect their confidence. According to recent research, there have been an increase in the percentage of obesity in children in the world. Research shows that obesity in children today due to lack of activity in your lifestyle and also the way and eating habits.
But, do not worry because it's never too late for a beneficial changes. For obesity in infants try to follow the following ways:
Take time to indulge. Discover preferred activity and exciting for your child and can burn calories crate: run, swim, or ride a bike and do this activity on a regular basis.
Make a habit of healthy eating, reduce junk food that contain only high in fat and salt and reduce consumption of sugar. Give children 3 meals with small portions and 3 times that of low-fat snacks that children do not feel hungry. Give drink lots of water and juice and eat fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.
Change your eating habits a family. Provide meals to children only when your child is hungry and not because just want to eat something. If your child just wants to eat and eat again try to divert it. Give other activities because you actually know that your child is not really hungry.
Limit time spent watching television a maximum of 3 hours. Since one of the causes of obesity are silent in front of the television for hours while snacking.
Checked by your child's pediatrician to control diet also check his weight every 2-4 weeks. Avoid weigh children every time at home, because it can cause stress to your child.
Gifts and praise can motivate children to stay on a diet. For example, if your child is in 1 week initiative to drink water instead of soda, then praise him. Give the gift of a toy or a fun activity. But, remember! Do not give food as gifts!
As parents, we must do our part to help the child. Give a simple action but gives a permanent change to the way of life that everything will be very beneficial for your child's health in the future. May you be more understanding and responsive to obesity in infants
Importance of Stimulation for Babies
Here are some things you can do to stimulate your baby:
Importance of Stimulation For Babies - Pour Your love
The first thing to remember, love and affection is a definite need. Your baby will never try to manipulate or control you. He just needs love and affection. This unconditional love will create a strong self-esteem and promote the development of brain tissue.
Importance of Stimulation For Babies - Speak softly
Talk to your baby in a soft voice, varied vocabulary and expressions that varied. Your voice is the voice of his favorite (baby you've heard your voice since he was still in the womb.
Importance of Stimulation For Babies - Give a response
Demand response your baby without a doubt. It teaches him that he can communicate with other people, so give him the confidence and emotional stability.
Importance of Stimulation For Babies - Put a touch
Touch your baby. The researchers found that babies who used a massage / caressed stroked grow faster and less like crying.
Importance of Stimulation For Babies - Encourage him to imitate
Encourage to emulate. Your baby will constantly analyze yourself and record the ways your voice and expression.
Importance of Stimulation For Babies - Play music
Than as a means of relaxation, enjoying the benefits of music is to help optimize the development of left and right brain. Development of the left brain and the right brain is believed to facilitate optimal learning.
Importance of Stimulation For Babies - Let explore
Let your baby explore a new environment, as long as it is safe for him. For example, you could take her out to some place and to explore different conditions. If possible, let he also found new things by himself.
Importance of Stimulation For Babies - Read a book
Read a book. Although your infant can not follow the story line, but he loved the pictures and your voice.
Controlling Weight Infants
Added weight babies can be viewed per quarter. In the first quarter, gaining weight range 150 - 250g/minggu. Second quarter, the increase is 5 - 600g/bulan. Third quarter, an increase of 350 - 450g / month and the fourth quarter of about 250 - 350g / month.
Reference to see whether normal infant weight are at the age of six months and one year. At the age of 6 months, the baby weight had nearly doubled birth weight and being three times that at the age of 1 year. Less than this, can be called a low-weight or underweight baby included.
Skinny baby is a the baby weight at birth is low or below 2.5 kg. The cause is affected while still in the womb, so the health of the fetus is crucial because that's where the formation and growth of organs begins.
In addition, thin baby can also indicate malnutrition. This is generally due to customs in families where mothers are not careful sometimes give proper nutrition for infants. In fact, babies need a balanced nutrition. It could also be because the baby is bored with the food-that's all, and ultimately did not want to eat. On the other hand, the condition of the baby determines psychological desire to eat anyway. If he was depressed because often forced, could have reduced appetite.
Consulting a doctor is another path that can be done. Due to return to normal weight babies, we have to see what the reason. If due to illness, then it should be cured and while curing the disease, we must conduct nutritional consultation to determine the proper nutrition for infants.
If indeed the cause is disease, there is no other way that the disease must be cured completely. At the same time also, the baby should be given adequate nutrition so he would not be skinny. Because if the baby has an infection and is left with no right of action until eventually lead to malnutrition, will have difficulty in raising the baby weight. Handling will become more complex.
The characteristics of infant malnutrition or malnutrition can be seen from the physical. If severe just skin and bones only. Providing nutrition was not just one aspect alone but must be balanced between the administration of protein, carbohydrates, fat, calories and vitamins. The source did not have to be that expensive. Like protein, not necessarily from any animal, from a vegetable can, for example, children are fed tofu and tempeh.
For the health of infants, frequently you control your weight infants
Addressing Infant Vomiting
If the baby is experiencing vomiting, slow-feeding. If your baby is consuming formula, give it little by little, but with the frequency rather frequently, burp a baby after feeding. If the baby is breast fed, burp her every time you move to the other breast.
Feeding the baby in an upright position. Position the baby stays upright for 20-30 minutes after feedings. Do not cuddled or rocked, at least half an hour after feeding. If bottle-fed, make sure the nipple hole is not too small or too large.
Vomiting in babies can be caused by an allergy to formula milk or foods eaten mother can affect the baby through breast milk consumption.
Generally foods that could potentially interfere with the mother's milk is processed-made dairy products, foods or drinks that contain caffeine, such as soft drinks, chocolate, coffee, tea, etc ... Then, whole grains and beans, for example wheat, corn, peanuts, etc ... Spicy foods and foods that contain gas, such as broccoli, garlic, bean sprouts, green peppers, cauliflower, cabbage and so on.
So that your baby does not experience vomiting, it is better if the mother keep the food he eats. Eat only healthy food, especially food that is recommended by your doctor.
Growing Teeth in Infants
If your little baby suddenly became like biting all the objects and drooling? Not to mention making you have to get up during the night to hold and comfort her? That makes you more panic is too warm body. If you experience signs - signs like the above said, maybe your baby is experiencing teething first.
Healthy teeth is very important for the overall health of children. Teeth begin to form under the gums while your baby is still in the womb. The first Teeth usually grow as old infants 5-7 months, but this could be different for every baby. The first teeth usually grow in the new age of 1 year. Lower incisors usually grow first, followed by the upper incisors in 4-8 weeks.
After that, came molars and canines. At the age of 2.5 years baby teeth is usually complete about 20 pieces, including second molars emerge at age 20-30 months. Permanent teeth that would occur when children enter primary school at the age of 6-7 years.
Then how do you know if your child is experiencing teething? Among others, the sign is:
Swollen gums, you can see most of the teeth appear on the gums.
Drooling a lot.
Cranky, the child so often crying and inconsolable.
Frequent night awakening, usually your baby sleep safely at night but often wake up and have picked up.
Biting objects held and began to chew whatever is in his hand.
To alleviate the suffering of the baby, give teething ring or pacifier so he can biting. Do not give a pacifier dipped in sweet liquids because the sugar will be left on the teeth and allows bacteria to multiply. Cold foods can also be an alternative, such as bananas or fruit juice that has been cooled in the fridge. Because he was happy to insert objects into the mouth, the food would have eaten.
Do not leave your baby alone to prevent the possibility of him swallowing small objects that may become lodged in the windpipe. Clean the saliva dripping from the mouth of the baby so as not to arise skin redness around his mouth.
If a fever over 38.5 ° C or the condition of the baby looks heavy, maybe it is not due to the teething process and should be consulted with the doctor, as well as if there are signs of other diseases. In addition, fever-lowering drugs can be given as usual teething baby will experience a mild fever, and the drug has pain relieving properties so that the baby could rest again
In addition to helping reduce fever while teething baby can be given a compress of warm water and drink plenty of gift such as: milk, water, fresh fruit juice and other foods that contain a lot of water.
Important Steps Caring Infant
Introduction Against Baby Food
Note the quality of the food, because the food quality, ensures high nutritional quality.
Keep foods must be adapted to the baby's ability to digest. The bigger they are physically, the more nutrients and foods are needed.
Do not immediately give a lot, start slowly with aqueous portion, only after trying to get used thickened.
If you want to introduce a variety of foods, look for 4-7 days, so your child can see sense and we know what foods are preferred and less preferred, and that can cause them allergies.
Never force your child to eat the food he did not like. The effect children will become lazy meal.
If they refuse, be patient. Try to persuade him and his favorite mix it with fruit juice or milk.
Perform variety. If your child started sprinkling food, make a variety of food menu, this is to avoid the boredom of the food-that's all.
Create a pleasant dining atmosphere.
Because every baby has different tastes, put in small portions, so not surprised. Stop feeding when they are no longer willing to eat it, or are not interested. Let your child enjoy eating events, communications do when feeding. This method can arouse the appetite, and make sense of pleasure. If the first experience eating them happy, chances are they will not be later hard to eat.
Baby Bath Soap Reviews
Baby soap should also be hypoallergenic because you do not know if your baby is allergic to some types of specific substances or not. Baby soap also should not contain toxic because often babies licking her hand and sometimes they do not accidentally swallow it. And finally, make sure your baby soap does not contain SLS or Sodium Laurel Sulfate. SLS is a chemical that can damage the immune system and can cause skin burns. In the early days of birth, baby's skin will arise spots and redness, it is normal. It will go away by itself. You do not need to go to the pediatrician when it happens. Although your baby's skin experiencing hard times, but if you use the right baby soap, then you have a good baby skin care.
Symptoms of Measles in Children
Some of the complications that can accompany measles:
Bacterial infections
- Pneumonia
- Middle ear infection
Sometimes occurs thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet count), so pendeita easy bruising and easy bleeding
Encephalitis (brain inteksi) occurs in 1 of 1.000 to 2000 cases.
Symptoms of measles in children begin to appear within 7-14 days after infection, namely:
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- cough
- Muscle pain
- fever
- Red eye
- Photophobia (susceptible to light, glare).
2-4 days later, small white spots appear inside the mouth (Koplik spots).
Rash (redness of the skin) which feels a bit itchy appear 3-5 days after the onset of the symptoms. This could take the form of macular rash (rash reddish, flat) and papules (red rash that stands out). At first the rash appears on the face, which is in front of and below the ear and on the neck next to the side. Within 1-2 days, the rash spreads to the torso, arms and legs, while a rash on the face started to fade.
At the peak of the disease, the patient felt very ill, and the rash is widespread body temperature reaches 40? Celsius.
3-5 days later his temperature dropped, the patient began to feel better and the remaining rash soon disappeared.
Hope can be useful for the health of your child, and do not forget to read also Causes Measles in Babies
Causes of Measles in Babies
Transmission of infection occurs by inhaling the spray saliva with measles.
Patients can transmit the infection within 2-4 days before the onset of skin rash and skin rashes over there.
Before the widespread use of measles vaccination, measles outbreaks occur every 2-3 years, especially in children of pre-school and primary school children.
If someone had suffered from measles, the rest of his life he will be immune to this disease.
Measles is caused by paramiksovirus.
Transmission occurs through saliva splashes from the nose, mouth and throat with measles.
The incubation period is 10-14 days before symptoms appear.
Acquired immunity to measles after vaccination, infection is active and passive immunity in infants born to a mother who had been resistant (lasts for 1 year).
People who are susceptible to measles are:
- Infants older than 1 year
- Babies who do not get immunized
- Teenagers and young adults who have not received a second immunization.
Stimulation to Baby Sitting
At the age of 6 or 7 months, babies begin to sit without your help. But at this age does a baby can not sit too long. In the age of 9 or 10 months he will be able to sit alone with agile.
Motor development in infants is going to differ from one another baby. However, these developments would have passed by a baby. Each stage must be mastered baby before she advanced to the next stage. As for the seat, the baby should be able to hold his head first.
Here are the things you can do to stimulate the baby to sit:
For the baby's neck muscle strength training, you can take the baby to play with moving toys move up. Do it slowly to follow the direction of the toy baby by lifting the head and chest.
When he was on his stomach, trying to change position occasionally to sit. Do not immediately release your grip. Since the early studies, babies sometimes will fall to the right or left. Keep cling to baby until he feels comfortable with his seat. Then you can try to release your grip slowly.
If the baby looks strong enough to sit up, you can begin to train him to be able to sit down with the balance. For practice, you can use a favorite toy and put it in front of your baby. Put a bit far out of reach and make sure he is keen to see the toy.
Put your baby in a sitting position lap and give toys he likes. He will come to like the sitting position while playing his favorite toy.
When learning to sit, make sure your baby is in a soft and safe. This is a precaution when he suddenly fell to the right or left side. You can use a thin mattress or a soft thick carpet to place your baby learn to sit.
Perform stimulation that infants sat slowly until your baby is really ready to his seat.
Good luck.
Symptoms of Jaundice in Toddlers
Jaundice in infants has its own symptoms. Among them is the baby's skin looks yellowish colored and the whites of the eyes yellow baby will look. This usually happens for a few days.
For this reason, the newborn is critical examination bilirubin levels. If in normal conditions, bilirubin levels reached only 0-1 meg, but the baby's level may rise up to 12 mcg.
Breastfeeding can help when the baby has jaundice. This is because milk has a lot of substances that can protect the baby, so the baby has a lot of calories and can be as often as possible to avoid various diseases. However, if jaundice infants continued until more than two weeks, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Without any treatment, usually in infants jaundice vanishes. Because before going home, the doctor will check your baby to ensure the baby is exposed jaundice or not. If it had jaundice, treatment will be performed until normal bilirubin levels.
If this is your baby's bilirubin levels are considered to be within normal limits, the baby will be allowed to go home. To cope with the yellow on the baby's mother was also advised to hang a baby in the morning sunlight between the hours of 7:00-9:00 and of course exclusive breastfeeding.
Guiding Baby Learning to Walk
As a parent, you need to be able to guiding baby learning to walking through the stages of this well. In the early stages of the passage, he would walk with faltering. The thing you need to do is create a safe environment for your child.
When he was at home, you can let your child free barefoot. However, if you are guiding a baby learning to walk outdoors, you should wear footwear in the small. In order for it convenient, choose shoes that are comfortable and safe for your child.
It is important to keep your baby was injured or exposed to dangerous objects. Make sure the floor is not slippery. Keep an eye on your child while he started up the new steps. Do not keep your distance is too far away from him, because his pace was still giddy.
In guiding baby learning to walk, you can choose a flat shoe and soft to help stimulate your child learning to walk. Do not wear shoes that are no grooves on the feet or shoes with narrow end. Because it will inhibit its growth.
When babies begin to learn walk, grow his confidence. Sometimes there is the little spoiled and lazy to learn to walk. For that he needs stimulation in order to walk. If at the time baby learning to walk, try not to hold him too often.
If your baby occasionally fell while learning to walk, do not directly carry or provide assistance. Try to approach and give him a hug for a while. Then give him the motivation and encouragement to try running again. Indicate if everything will be fine, because you still stood by.
When guiding baby walking, show your happy attitude. Do not panic or worry on their behavior, because it will affect him and make him lose confidence. Bring along a favorite toy to lure him to want to walk.
You can also use the toy as baby stroller for stimulation of learning to walk. He can make the toy will be the foundation of learning to walk while pushing.
Currently on the market a lot of tools that you can use to help a baby learning to walk. But you should be wise to choose for your child can learn the way to maximum.
If your baby has excess body weight, it will affect him while learning balance. To that end, a balanced diet is necessary for the little guy. Ask dkter instructions for your child to get the ideal weight.
You can help strengthen your leg muscles to perform baby massage on his legs. To do so, you should consult your doctor to be able to massage the baby with the right technique; thus in guiding baby learning to walk can be done well.
Prevent Spit Up in Baby
After the mother's milk, not the least occurred in baby spit up. It is indeed often occurs in infants and reasonable. But not a few women who panicked during the baby spit up. Do not worry, you can prevent spit up with some of these tips.
Spit up in babies usually occurs in the first three months after the baby is born. At the age of 12 months, usually spit had stopped. If you spit up often, you should be aware of. Because there may be problems in the baby's stomach.
When you give your child a meal, preferably in an upright sitting position. This is to avoid vomiting. Preferably at mealtime, done calmly and avoid feeding while performing active game.
Perform breastfeeding or milk gradually and by a considerable amount. The amount is too much, it could be one of the triggers of the baby spit up. Arrange in such a way as to your baby's feeding schedule.
Try to make baby burp in the middle of lactation and after he finished. You do not need to worry if your baby does not burp. Maybe there is no air in the stomach. In order to burp, you can rub or pat his back gently to encourage air to rise.
Another thing you need to do is check a baby pacifier. When you select a dot, choice of sizes to suit your baby's age. Dot is too large, making the milk flow fast and if the dot is small, can make your baby frustrating.
Do not panic in case of spit up on your baby. Do it calmly steps to prevent the baby spit up. If the spit is very common and disturbing baby, you should immediately consult with a pediatrician.
Breastfeeding Problems and Solutions
Here are some breastfeeding problems and solutions:
There are some women who have nipples sink. It is usually influenced by heredity. But do not worry as this problem will not affect the productivity of breast milk.
Solution: After the delivery, do the pull gently and slowly putting it by so prominent. You can use some help pump milk to the nipple to protrude. Perform this activity at least twice a day for five minutes.
Breast pain and swelling
This problem arises usually on day 3 or 4 after birth. Produced more milk than the baby inhaled resulting in swelling. Not infrequently this condition causes fever in the mother.
Solution: Reduce pain with frequent breastfeeding or without scheduled. You also can remove the breast milk by hand in order to become soft. Compress using a warm cloth and gently massage from the base of the nipple to the direction to reduce swelling and pain.
The nipple blister
Breastfeeding and infant sucking one can be the cause of your sore nipples. This problem usually occurs when babies are hungry so that sucked too strong.
Solution: When breastfeeding, make sure you cover most of the circle around the nipple (areola). It can reduce the pressure / suction a baby that is too strong. If the blister does not heal within a week, consult a doctor.
Key to breastfeeding infants are confident and avoid stress. Also make sure the body gets the intake of nutritious foods and beverages as well as the rest. You can directly consult with your doctor or midwife for solutions breastfeeding problems more clearly.