Jaundice in infants has its own symptoms. Among them is the baby's skin looks yellowish colored and the whites of the eyes yellow baby will look. This usually happens for a few days.
For this reason, the newborn is critical examination bilirubin levels. If in normal conditions, bilirubin levels reached only 0-1 meg, but the baby's level may rise up to 12 mcg.
Breastfeeding can help when the baby has jaundice. This is because milk has a lot of substances that can protect the baby, so the baby has a lot of calories and can be as often as possible to avoid various diseases. However, if jaundice infants continued until more than two weeks, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Without any treatment, usually in infants jaundice vanishes. Because before going home, the doctor will check your baby to ensure the baby is exposed jaundice or not. If it had jaundice, treatment will be performed until normal bilirubin levels.
If this is your baby's bilirubin levels are considered to be within normal limits, the baby will be allowed to go home. To cope with the yellow on the baby's mother was also advised to hang a baby in the morning sunlight between the hours of 7:00-9:00 and of course exclusive breastfeeding.