Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Obesity Infants

Obesity in Infants - Cute and adorable! is a common response is often heard when encounter infants and toddlers who are obese, making them the center of attention. As a parent feels when a child is also proud to be the center of attention.

obesity infants

Obesity Infants

Grease is normally very good, but what if your infants obesity or overweight?
Will this property?
Because there are lots of factors that should be considered by parents due to obesity in infants.

For younger children this would not be a problem, but when the more mature, it will affect their confidence. According to recent research, there have been an increase in the percentage of obesity in children in the world. Research shows that obesity in children today due to lack of activity in your lifestyle and also the way and eating habits.

But, do not worry because it's never too late for a beneficial changes. For obesity in infants try to follow the following ways:

Take time to indulge. Discover preferred activity and exciting for your child and can burn calories crate: run, swim, or ride a bike and do this activity on a regular basis.

Make a habit of healthy eating, reduce junk food that contain only high in fat and salt and reduce consumption of sugar. Give children 3 meals with small portions and 3 times that of low-fat snacks that children do not feel hungry. Give drink lots of water and juice and eat fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.

Change your eating habits a family. Provide meals to children only when your child is hungry and not because just want to eat something. If your child just wants to eat and eat again try to divert it. Give other activities because you actually know that your child is not really hungry.

Limit time spent watching television a maximum of 3 hours. Since one of the causes of obesity are silent in front of the television for hours while snacking.

Checked by your child's pediatrician to control diet also check his weight every 2-4 weeks. Avoid weigh children every time at home, because it can cause stress to your child.

Gifts and praise can motivate children to stay on a diet. For example, if your child is in 1 week initiative to drink water instead of soda, then praise him. Give the gift of a toy or a fun activity. But, remember! Do not give food as gifts!

As parents, we must do our part to help the child. Give a simple action but gives a permanent change to the way of life that everything will be very beneficial for your child's health in the future. May you be more understanding and responsive to obesity in infants

Controlling Weight Infants

The cause of infants weight is not forthcoming there is a wide - range. Normally, weight newborns should reach 2.5 kilograms. Weight is normal, not too big nor too small. Because if it's too small to worry about their organs not fully developed so that it can harm the baby alone. Conversely, too much too afraid of difficult birth and even had to give birth by surgery.

Controlling Weight Infants

Controlling Weight Infants

Added weight babies can be viewed per quarter. In the first quarter, gaining weight range 150 - 250g/minggu. Second quarter, the increase is 5 - 600g/bulan. Third quarter, an increase of 350 - 450g / month and the fourth quarter of about 250 - 350g / month.

Reference to see whether normal infant weight are at the age of six months and one year. At the age of 6 months, the baby weight had nearly doubled birth weight and being three times that at the age of 1 year. Less than this, can be called a low-weight or underweight baby included.

Skinny baby is a the baby weight at birth is low or below 2.5 kg. The cause is affected while still in the womb, so the health of the fetus is crucial because that's where the formation and growth of organs begins.

In addition, thin baby can also indicate malnutrition. This is generally due to customs in families where mothers are not careful sometimes give proper nutrition for infants. In fact, babies need a balanced nutrition. It could also be because the baby is bored with the food-that's all, and ultimately did not want to eat. On the other hand, the condition of the baby determines psychological desire to eat anyway. If he was depressed because often forced, could have reduced appetite.

Consulting a doctor is another path that can be done. Due to return to normal weight babies, we have to see what the reason. If due to illness, then it should be cured and while curing the disease, we must conduct nutritional consultation to determine the proper nutrition for infants.

If indeed the cause is disease, there is no other way that the disease must be cured completely. At the same time also, the baby should be given adequate nutrition so he would not be skinny. Because if the baby has an infection and is left with no right of action until eventually lead to malnutrition, will have difficulty in raising the baby weight. Handling will become more complex.

The characteristics of infant malnutrition or malnutrition can be seen from the physical. If severe just skin and bones only. Providing nutrition was not just one aspect alone but must be balanced between the administration of protein, carbohydrates, fat, calories and vitamins. The source did not have to be that expensive. Like protein, not necessarily from any animal, from a vegetable can, for example, children are fed tofu and tempeh.
For the health of infants, frequently you control your weight infants

Addressing Infant Vomiting

Vomiting is a common disorder in infants. Usually, this happens because the baby is drinking too much milk, spit and air disturbance. Babies who cuddle too closely after eating too stimulated to vomit. to overcome:

Addressing Infant Vomiting

Addressing Infant Vomiting

If the baby is experiencing vomiting, slow-feeding. If your baby is consuming formula, give it little by little, but with the frequency rather frequently, burp a baby after feeding. If the baby is breast fed, burp her every time you move to the other breast.

Feeding the baby in an upright position. Position the baby stays upright for 20-30 minutes after feedings. Do not cuddled or rocked, at least half an hour after feeding. If bottle-fed, make sure the nipple hole is not too small or too large.

Vomiting in babies can be caused by an allergy to formula milk or foods eaten mother can affect the baby through breast milk consumption.
Generally foods that could potentially interfere with the mother's milk is processed-made ​​dairy products, foods or drinks that contain caffeine, such as soft drinks, chocolate, coffee, tea, etc ... Then, whole grains and beans, for example wheat, corn, peanuts, etc ... Spicy foods and foods that contain gas, such as broccoli, garlic, bean sprouts, green peppers, cauliflower, cabbage and so on.

So that your baby does not experience vomiting, it is better if the mother keep the food he eats. Eat only healthy food, especially food that is recommended by your doctor.

Symptoms of Measles in Children

In children a healthy and nutritious enough, measles are less serious consequences.
Some of the complications that can accompany measles:

Symptoms of measles in children

Symptoms of measles in children

Bacterial infections
- Pneumonia
- Middle ear infection
Sometimes occurs thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet count), so pendeita easy bruising and easy bleeding
Encephalitis (brain inteksi) occurs in 1 of 1.000 to 2000 cases.

Symptoms of measles in children begin to appear within 7-14 days after infection, namely:
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- cough
- Muscle pain
- fever
- Red eye
- Photophobia (susceptible to light, glare).

2-4 days later, small white spots appear inside the mouth (Koplik spots).
Rash (redness of the skin) which feels a bit itchy appear 3-5 days after the onset of the symptoms. This could take the form of macular rash (rash reddish, flat) and papules (red rash that stands out). At first the rash appears on the face, which is in front of and below the ear and on the neck next to the side. Within 1-2 days, the rash spreads to the torso, arms and legs, while a rash on the face started to fade.

At the peak of the disease, the patient felt very ill, and the rash is widespread body temperature reaches 40? Celsius.
3-5 days later his temperature dropped, the patient began to feel better and the remaining rash soon disappeared.

Hope can be useful for the health of your child, and do not forget to read also Causes Measles in Babies

Causes of Measles in Babies

Measles (rubeola, measles 9 days) is a highly contagious viral infection, characterized by fever in children, cough, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the tissue lining of the eye / conjunctiva) and skin rash.

causes of measles in babies

causes of measles in babies

Transmission of infection occurs by inhaling the spray saliva with measles.
Patients can transmit the infection within 2-4 days before the onset of skin rash and skin rashes over there.

Before the widespread use of measles vaccination, measles outbreaks occur every 2-3 years, especially in children of pre-school and primary school children.
If someone had suffered from measles, the rest of his life he will be immune to this disease.

Measles is caused by paramiksovirus.

Transmission occurs through saliva splashes from the nose, mouth and throat with measles.
The incubation period is 10-14 days before symptoms appear.

Acquired immunity to measles after vaccination, infection is active and passive immunity in infants born to a mother who had been resistant (lasts for 1 year).
People who are susceptible to measles are:
- Infants older than 1 year
- Babies who do not get immunized
- Teenagers and young adults who have not received a second immunization.

Symptoms of Jaundice in Toddlers

After several days of birth, usually experienced jaundice. Jaundice in infants is an increase in bilirubin in the blood. Heart gain take several days to parse the substance.

symptoms of jaundice in toddlers

symptoms of jaundice in toddlers

Jaundice in infants has its own symptoms. Among them is the baby's skin looks yellowish colored and the whites of the eyes yellow baby will look. This usually happens for a few days.

For this reason, the newborn is critical examination bilirubin levels. If in normal conditions, bilirubin levels reached only 0-1 meg, but the baby's level may rise up to 12 mcg.

Breastfeeding can help when the baby has jaundice. This is because milk has a lot of substances that can protect the baby, so the baby has a lot of calories and can be as often as possible to avoid various diseases. However, if jaundice infants continued until more than two weeks, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Without any treatment, usually in infants jaundice vanishes. Because before going home, the doctor will check your baby to ensure the baby is exposed jaundice or not. If it had jaundice, treatment will be performed until normal bilirubin levels.

If this is your baby's bilirubin levels are considered to be within normal limits, the baby will be allowed to go home. To cope with the yellow on the baby's mother was also advised to hang a baby in the morning sunlight between the hours of 7:00-9:00 and of course exclusive breastfeeding.

Prevent Spit Up in Baby

Although often panicked mother, actually spit up in baby are rare to serious. If your baby still looks comfortable and there was no trouble with her weight, then spit on your baby could say spit up normal and nothing to worry.

Prevent spit up baby

Prevent Spit Up Baby

After the mother's milk, not the least occurred in baby spit up. It is indeed often occurs in infants and reasonable. But not a few women who panicked during the baby spit up. Do not worry, you can prevent spit up with some of these tips.

Spit up in babies usually occurs in the first three months after the baby is born. At the age of 12 months, usually spit had stopped. If you spit up often, you should be aware of. Because there may be problems in the baby's stomach.

When you give your child a meal, preferably in an upright sitting position. This is to avoid vomiting. Preferably at mealtime, done calmly and avoid feeding while performing active game.

Perform breastfeeding or milk gradually and by a considerable amount. The amount is too much, it could be one of the triggers of the baby spit up. Arrange in such a way as to your baby's feeding schedule.

Try to make baby burp in the middle of lactation and after he finished. You do not need to worry if your baby does not burp. Maybe there is no air in the stomach. In order to burp, you can rub or pat his back gently to encourage air to rise.

Another thing you need to do is check a baby pacifier. When you select a dot, choice of sizes to suit your baby's age. Dot is too large, making the milk flow fast and if the dot is small, can make your baby frustrating.

Do not panic in case of spit up on your baby. Do it calmly steps to prevent the baby spit up. If the spit is very common and disturbing baby, you should immediately consult with a pediatrician.

Breastfeeding Problems and Solutions

Breastfeeding often cause problems, especially for first-time mothers who have babies. Ranging from stress to other pressures also influence the productivity of breast milk and breastfeeding issues

Breastfeeding problems and solutions

Breastfeeding problems and solutions

Here are some breastfeeding problems and solutions:
There are some women who have nipples sink. It is usually influenced by heredity. But do not worry as this problem will not affect the productivity of breast milk.
Solution: After the delivery, do the pull gently and slowly putting it by so prominent. You can use some help pump milk to the nipple to protrude. Perform this activity at least twice a day for five minutes.

Breast pain and swelling
This problem arises usually on day 3 or 4 after birth. Produced more milk than the baby inhaled resulting in swelling. Not infrequently this condition causes fever in the mother.
Solution: Reduce pain with frequent breastfeeding or without scheduled. You also can remove the breast milk by hand in order to become soft. Compress using a warm cloth and gently massage from the base of the nipple to the direction to reduce swelling and pain.

The nipple blister
Breastfeeding and infant sucking one can be the cause of your sore nipples. This problem usually occurs when babies are hungry so that sucked too strong.
Solution: When breastfeeding, make sure you cover most of the circle around the nipple (areola). It can reduce the pressure / suction a baby that is too strong. If the blister does not heal within a week, consult a doctor.

Key to breastfeeding infants are confident and avoid stress. Also make sure the body gets the intake of nutritious foods and beverages as well as the rest. You can directly consult with your doctor or midwife for solutions breastfeeding problems more clearly.

Know Your Toddler Nutrition Needs

Total nutritional needs of every child under five in different course and do not need to adjust the amount needed, but most importantly you must still provide a variety of nutrients each day in order to support growth.

know your toddler nutrition needs

know your toddler nutrition needs

To meet the nutritional needs of toddlers begin to eat solid food, flavor and texture accept new foods he tried.

Toddler growth course is supported with a healthy nutrition and nutritious variety of foods. For the age of the children required 1000-1400 calories per day, but it depends on your age, the body, as well as the level of activity of the child.

Nutritional needs of children is a top priority in sufficient nutritional needs every day. Nutrients needed by toddlers will certainly play an important role in supporting the growing day by day. The toddler years are a transition period in which the age of 1-2 years.

Here's the average number of children who needed nutritional requirements each day at children aged 2-3 years:

Amount needed per day in children aged 2 years: 1 cup servings.
Amount needed per day in children aged 3 years: 1.5 cups of drinks.
Sample food and manner of presentation: to be sure could use a pint glass. Serve vegetables that have been finely, cut up small and cooked until done to prevent choking.

Amount needed per day in children aged 2 years: 1 cup servings.
Amount needed per day in children aged 3 years: 1.5 cups of drinks.
Sample food and manner of presentation: to make the numbers using measuring cups. Bananas with 20-23 cm length equal to 1 cup servings.

Meat and beans
Amount needed per day in children aged 2 years: 2 ounces (65 grams).
Amount needed per day in children aged 3 years: 3-4 ounces (85-115 grams).
Sample food and manner of presentation: 1 ounce is equal to 1 ounce (300 grams) of chicken or fish, 1/4 cup servings of cooked beans or 1 egg.

Amount needed per day in children aged 2 years: 2 cups (400 ml).
Amount needed per day in children aged 3 years: 2 cups (400 ml).
Sample food and manner of presentation: 1 cup of the same as 1 cup milk, 1 1/2 ounces (45 grams) natural cheese, or 2 ounces (60 grams) of processed cheese.

Amount needed per day in children aged 2 years: 3 ounces (85 grams).
Amount needed per day in children aged 3 years: 4-5 ounces (110-140 grams).
Sample food and manner of presentation: 1 ounce equals 1 slice of bread, 1 cup servings of cereal ready to eat, or 1/2 cup servings of rice or pasta that has been cooked kind.

In addition to the above nutritional requirements, infants also equipped with intake of 500 milligrams of calcium per day. Amount of nutrients is very easy to get if you give at least two glasses of milk per day. Toddler badly in need of calcium and vitamin D, which is essential for building strong bones.

Inadequate nutritional needs of your toddler every day by providing the nutrients needed by the body in addition to the above, such as tyrosine, tryptophan, sphingomyelin, DHA, AA, SA, as well as zinc and several other supporting vitamins that children get a complete and balanced nutrition for the growth optimal. That way, the child will grow up healthy, strong, and smart.

The nutritional requirements of infants more such as 7 milligrams of iron is also needed by toddlers every day. Can be obtained from food sources of rice, meat, chicken, fish, beans, tofu and foods rich in vitamin C such as broccoli

Importance Nutrition Kids Immune

Lack of immune system in children caused by lack of nutrition. Here are the nutrients necessary for your child's immune system can be increased so that the pain is not easy:

Importance Nutrition Kids Immune

Importance of Nutrition for Kids Immune

Functioning for macrophage activity, bone formation and prevent osteoporosis or bone loss.
Lack of calcium will cause allergies, constipation, hyperactivity, insomnia, muscle aches and fatigue. Calcium can be obtained from green vegetables, broadleaf vegetables, tofu, soybeans, sardines, salmon, milk, yoghurt and cheese.

Required to produce white blood cells and antibodies.
Deficiency of these substances can lead to anemia, fatigue, decreased intelligence, not strong cold, pale skin, loss of appetite and stomach nausea. Iron can be found in foods such as eggs, milk, liver, fish, meat, tempeh, tofu, oncom, soybeans, green beans, kale, spinach, leaf katuk, citrus, guava and banana.

Needed to produce antibodies, maintain thymus and essential fatty acid metabolism, also controls the levels of histamine in the body.
Magnesium deficiency will lead to allergies, constipation, body fatigue, hyperactivity, insomnia, irritability, and muscle aches. Magnesium is found in foods such as fish, dried almonds, spinach, avocados, bananas, raisins and cashews.

It functions as an antioxidant, is needed to make antibodies and essential fatty acid metabolism. In addition, selenium also produces enzymes that can kill cancer cells and works synergistically with Vitamin E.
Deficiency of these substances can cause cancer and frequent infections. Selenium is found in many grains, meat, tuna and garlic.

It functions as an antioxidant, is needed to develop white blood cells, metabolism of essential fatty acids as well as maintain and protect the thymus.
Zinc deficiency will cause a loss of sense of taste and smell, loss of appetite, inhibits the growth of the body, recurrent infections and cause white spots on the nails. Zinc are found mainly in beef, oysters, poultry, milk and yogurt.

Vitamin A
Function as antioxidants. This vitamin is also necessary to finalize and protect white blood cells, keeping the mucous membranes of the respiratory, urinary and digestive tract, as well as the metabolism of fatty acids essential for the body.
Vitamin A deficiency will cause the skin to become dry, mouth sores, hair loss, inhibit the growth of the body, night blindness and visual impairment. Vitamin A can be found in carrots, fish oil, milk, cheese and liver.

Vitamin B
Functioning as forming antibodies, white blood cell metabolism, developing thymus and for the metabolism of essential fatty acids. Vitamin B consists of B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12.
Vitamin B deficiency will cause weakness, hair loss, dull skin and nerve disorders. Vitamin B can be found in foods such as brown rice, eggs, fish, nuts, wheat and milk.

Vitamin C
Acts as an antibacterial, anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-virus, and is required to produce interferon, macrophages develop and metabolism of fatty acids essential for the body.
Vitamin C deficiency will lead to allergies, wounds difficult to heal, bleeding gums, and recurrent infections. Vitamin C can be obtained by eating various fruits and vegetables such as oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, strawberry, kiwi, asparagus, cabbage, milk, butter, potatoes, fish, and liver.

Vitamin E
Function as antioxidants. This vitamin is needed to make antibodies, keeping the thymus gland and essential fatty acid metabolism launched. Vitamin E works synergistically with selenium.
Vitamin E deficiency will cause dry skin, prolonged wound healing and prone to bruising. Vitamin E is abundant in milk, butter, eggs, vegetables such as asparagus, beans, beans and fruits like bananas and strawberries.

How to Cope Thrush in Children

What causes thrush in children? How do I fix this?
Thrush is not only experienced by adults only. This problem can also be suffered by children as young as infants or toddlers.

HHow to cope thrush in children

How to cope thrush in children

Anything that can make your baby or toddler exposed to thrush? Thrush can indeed strike the child, even though the baby is six months. In infants and toddlers, thrush often attack the lips, tongue, inner cheeks and throat.

Affected infants have symptoms of thrush:
- Increased body temperature, can be up to 40 degrees Celsius.
- Cranky, did not want to feed and secrete more saliva.
- Smelling mouth.
While in young children, the symptoms are:
- Temperature increases, but not too high.
-. Decreased appetite.

The cause of thrush in children:

stomatitis Apthosa
Thrush is caused by a trauma, such as being bitten or scratched by toothbrush abrasion or injury. If the immune system is not good, then the germs in and wound became infected. Usually arises inflammation, pain or tenderness.

Oral Thrush / Moniliasis
Caused by the fungus Candida albican are usually found and lodged in the tongue. In normal circumstances, the fungus is present in the mouth. However, when the resistance decreases and taking antibiotics, then yeast Candica albican will easily grow beyond normal.

Herpetic stomatitis
Caused by herpes simplex virus and are located at the back of the throat. Thrush in the throat occur if the virus is endemic and low body resistance.

How to overcome the problem of thrush in children

- Keeping the child's mouth and teeth.
- Provides a mouthwash to children who can gargle.
- If caused by fungi, have antifungal drugs from the doctor.
- Provide food and drinks that contain lots of vitamin C and B to accelerate healing.
- If the child does not want to eat, give soft food and liquid and not too hot so as not to add insult to injury.
- Give your child a drink through a glass, not the bottle to avoid friction or trauma.

Benefits of Sports for Children

Sports is not only beneficial for adults only. This activity also has many uses for children.

benefits of sports for children

benefits of sports for children

In addition to health, sports is useful for the social life of the child later. Here are the benefits of sports for children:

Benefits of sports for health and fitness kids
Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control confirmed the likelihood of obesity among American children, which can lead to diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and others. Regular exercise is one of the best ways to combat obesity in children as well as health and fitness.

Benefits of sports for children may increase the ability of Academic
According to researchers at Michigan State University Institute, children who exercise perform better in school than those who do not. Participation in sports teaches kids to focus on the task and manage their time effectively.

Encouraging Sportsmanship
Children who participate in sports can sharpen their skills with good sportsmanship. Shake hands with the competition, no matter what the outcome of a match, was able to accept defeat and try to do the best for himself and the team as a whole.

In addition to health, exercise is also a fun activity to do. Teamwork, cheering support of friends, cuddling when the bell, and the other will make the child committed the sport in the long run. Outside school hours is boring, sport is a time for children to play and have fun with friends.

Juvenile delinquency, such as violence, vandalism, and other drug use can be minimized with the sport. Regular schedule of exercise makes children do not have time to make crime problems like that, and they will be more focused on their achievements.

Children will develop self-esteem through achievement. Sport gives children the opportunity to learn, achieve something, and feel good about themselves. Support from parents and coaches will encourage improved their performance in a positive direction so that foster good self-image.

Children will get to know all sorts of valuable social lessons through sports. Being part of a group and learn to do the best for the team as a whole is one of the most valuable benefits of exercise for children.

Bringing home the trophy champion, won the tournament, is the ultimate goal of sports for children. Sports provide valuable experience in solving short-term goals and long term. Children are taught to undergo a process and the need to work hard before getting anything.

Sports teach children to not give up despite facing injury, disappointment and defeat. They learn to cope with defeat in stride and work even harder for the next round interest with diligence.

Sports can be a way to build an instant social network for children. Cooperation as a team or meet other rivals will make the network more widespread friendship.

Benefits of breast milk on skin

Breast milk as the gift of God is the best healthy food for your baby. In addition to nourish and increase the power of the immune infants, breast milk also beneficial to cure some skin diseases, commonly experienced by the baby as breast milk is also effective and without side effects.

benefits of breast milk on skin

Benefits of breast milk on skin

Some skin disease that often affects infants can be cured with breast milk are:

Benefits of breast milk for skin inflammation caused by fungi
Apply milk and let it dry itself, is based on the story of a family that has a child aged 1.5 years. In the hands of these children grow up inflammation caused by fungi and for more than 5 months, 4 doctors have tried to treat it. After spending almost $ 2 million for the cost of doctors and medicine still no result. Then they are advised to use the milk, they think it is a crazy suggestion. However, because they are almost desperate, they finally try also, 3 to 4 times a day. After 4 days, half of the inflammation disappeared. A week later the hands of their children recover without a trace, without any fungus left behind.

Benefits of breast milk to cure a pimple on the skin
The trick is very simple, just apply breast milk directly on skin irritation and rub gently, then let dry.

Breast milk than beneficial for the skin, it can also cure respiratory congestion
You need to know that the nose drops are usually too harsh for the baby. If your baby's nasal congestion, drop 5 to 7 drops of breast milk, which is taken directly from the mother, into one nostril. Wait for 15 minutes and do it to the other nostril. Do you do both nostrils babies at once, because it can interfere with breathing.

Breast milk is beneficial for sore eyes
For this disease you try to dribble a few drops of breast milk into your baby's eyes. Repeat as often as you please. This method can also be applied to children and adults.

Solutions Healthy Eating

The growth of children is strongly influenced by the food, and therefore we must provide solutions healthy eating for children. Various kinds of foods contain important nutrients. Vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds can be given to your child. But the way of administration is also noteworthy.

solutions healthy eating

solutions healthy eating

With healthy eating solutions , the child will grow up healthy. Important source of energy should be given to children, especially when age is entering school age or the age of 5-11 years.

Here are tips for kids healthy eating solutions .

Make sure your child is eating regularly every day, the solution was well done. Never leave the breakfast, because breakfast children can get enough energy to run its activities.

Sources of carbohydrates should be provided for your child. Such as bread, wheat, rice, potatoes, cereals and pasta, one of which must be provided in a single day.

In addition to carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits are also required to provide at least five servings each day. Kind can be varied such as papaya, watermelon, apples, pears or oranges.

Preventing obesity in children is needed. Serve lean meats such as fish or chicken without skin.

Excessive salt intake can cause hypertension. This disease must be prevented since childhood. Avoid using salt in cooking for your child.

Source of calcium is necessary for bone growth. But parents also need to choose the type of low-fat milk to prevent obesity.

If you have a healthy meal solution for kids, please add in the comments, you can also read and find healthy food for children is what can I write to challenge healthy eating solutions.

Fun way to Massage Your Baby

Infant massage provides a soothing effect and leaves a feeling of comfort to all those who have a massage, not to mention the baby. Even the massage on infants known to have many benefits for health.

Infant massage has a huge benefit in helping the development of the baby.
Massage can help ease the pain when the baby is teething, stomach problems, enhance muscle development, to calm him down when fussy, and soothe your baby to sleep.

Fun way to massage your baby

Fun way to massage your baby

Here 6 tips on baby massage that you need to look carefully for the baby to get pleasure

1. Activities for baby massage as a daily routine

Consider for baby massage at almost the same time each day so your baby can enjoy a relaxing time on a regular basis.

There is no best time to give a gentle massage on the baby, but avoid massaging the baby's hungry because the baby will not enjoy the massage if the stomach is empty.

Do not massage the baby when the baby is in a state because it might be too full stomach contents regurgitate or spit up milk.

2. Use of baby massage oil that contains no fragrance and is safe if ingested

For convenience in the massage, you can use a massage oil. A good choice of massage oil is made ​​from coconut oil, canola, corn, olive, grapeseed, apricot or avocado oil.

Oil from these materials easily absorbed into the baby's skin and is safe if your baby's hand or finger sucking. Baby oil or mineral oil for adults can clog the pores of the skin of babies.

3. Choose a massage place that is warm enough and comfortable

Warm place to prevent the baby feels cold because they have naked when massaged. Rotate to soothing music during the massage or spend some time just to talk and sing to your baby.

4. Note the hint of infant

Baby will not like a massage if you're not in the mood. If the baby shows such as turn signals or frowning or crying even when you begin to massage the body, massage delay until the baby is a little more quiet.

You also do not need to give a massage to the whole body of the baby at any time. If the baby's gesture was quite satisfied with the foot massage, massage ends meet in the legs.

5. Gently massaging your baby

Do not apply pressure when massaging your baby is too strong. Hug the baby's heart by relaxing before naps or when going to sleep at night.

6. Consider massage with appropriate instruction

Do not rub carelessly in, follow the instructions on the various parts of the body massage baby the following:

Begin the massage by putting your hands on both sides of the baby's head, then run your hands on either side of her body, from head to toes. Next, draw a small circle in the baby's head with the tip of your finger with light pressure

Fold your hands as in prayer in the baby's forehead, then gently push outward from the center of the face. Next, use your thumb to draw a smile on the face by stroking a baby's cheek, lip and cheek to the other.

Fold the hand on the baby's chest, then push it aside, as if you tidy up the pages of an open book.

Draw an oval shape under the baby's belly button using your fingertips. Do it clockwise to follow the natural path of digestion. Next, make a diagonal movement on the other side of the baby's stomach.

Legs and feet
Hold the heel of your baby in one hand, then massage the top of the thigh with his other hand slowly. Gently squeeze my ankles as if you were milking a cow.

Massage with circular movements of the ankle to the thigh. Then rub the feet with your thumb and fingers stroked the baby's feet. This also applies to massage the hand.