Milk Substitute Food List
Body's need for calcium was not only comes from milk. For those of you who do not like milk or intolerance to lactose, it helps to know a list of foods milk substitute the following:
Spinach contains high calcium. One cup of boiled spinach in a day enough for the body to get the nutrients they need. In addition, spinach also contains vitamins A, C, E, K, and food sources of folate acid are useful to build the body's cells. Spinach replace milk suitable for those who lead a life of vegetables.
Almonds are rich in magnesium, potassium, antioxidants, calcium, vitamin E and more. In addition to the best milk substitute, almonds also helps the body digest food properly, to protect the skin against the wall of a high radical damage and prevent cognitive decline if consumed regularly.
Tuna, mackerel, herring, and salmon is a source of protein-rich foods and replace milk as a calcium source.
soy milk
You can replace the milk with soy milk that is rich in protein. Soy milk also contains amino acids that the human body needs as well as the fight against cancer.
Introduction Against Baby Food
Note the quality of the food, because the food quality, ensures high nutritional quality.
Keep foods must be adapted to the baby's ability to digest. The bigger they are physically, the more nutrients and foods are needed.
Do not immediately give a lot, start slowly with aqueous portion, only after trying to get used thickened.
If you want to introduce a variety of foods, look for 4-7 days, so your child can see sense and we know what foods are preferred and less preferred, and that can cause them allergies.
Never force your child to eat the food he did not like. The effect children will become lazy meal.
If they refuse, be patient. Try to persuade him and his favorite mix it with fruit juice or milk.
Perform variety. If your child started sprinkling food, make a variety of food menu, this is to avoid the boredom of the food-that's all.
Create a pleasant dining atmosphere.
Because every baby has different tastes, put in small portions, so not surprised. Stop feeding when they are no longer willing to eat it, or are not interested. Let your child enjoy eating events, communications do when feeding. This method can arouse the appetite, and make sense of pleasure. If the first experience eating them happy, chances are they will not be later hard to eat.
Vegetarian Diet for Babies
By providing a nutritious and varied meals for your baby, it is suitable for vegetarian babies. Vegetarian in infants is not problematic, even very good.
The results of the studies suggest that there is no vegetarian infants suffering from malnutrition. But on the contrary there is an excess vegetarian toddler nutrition or weight loss.
Vegetarian can be done on the baby, but we have to plan well on nutrition and type of food varies each time continuously. Special attention is focused on the needs of a diet rich in nutrients such as protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D in the diet is vegetarian.
To make a vegetarian diet in infants, we have to make sure some of the foods that must be consumed like: whole grains, milk (preferably soy milk), and nuts.
So what is an important nutrient for babies vegetarian?
Essential nutrients for baby vegetarians include iron, vitamin B12, and protein. Iron is present in wheat, whole grains, dark leafy vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, green beans, peas, dried fruits, such as apricots, as variations could also be cake nuts, soy products, or soups thick.
Other sources rich in vitamin B12 present in yeast extract, milk and infant formula products. Give your baby at least until the first birthday. Rich source of protein for cereals, breads, rice and pasta. Provide different types of proteins in the menu of your baby each week, so the essential amino acids in your baby to be balanced.
Choosing a Healthy Baby Food
Making your own baby healthy food would be better. In addition you can set the amount of nutrients contained in the food, by making himself even food will be fresher because it is made from ingredients that are fresh and new.
With the proliferation of instant foods, many new mothers who choose to use an instant rather than making their own. Though there are some benefits that can be taken to make your own healthy baby food.
The benefits of making healthy food baby such as can encourage healthy eating habits, enhance nutritional value, to avoid chemicals such as pesticides by choosing organic food ingredients, preserved freshness, quality control of food more awake, and save costs.
By providing healthy food as a baby, you have helped encourage better eating habits for your family. A healthy and nutritious foods will help maximize the growth and development of the child.
Provide fresh food to your baby will help your child to get to know a variety of flavors and a variety of new food types. Because making your own food, you can combine the flavors of the ingredients are there. That way, your child mealtime will be a pleasant experience.
Concerning the quality, if your baby is healthy food alone, would have no doubt. Since you know exactly what ingredients are included in baby food. So the hygiene and food safety and quality is guaranteed.
Food Not Good for Babies
Foods to avoid is honey and corn syrup. Both of these foods are not recommended to be given to infants under 12 months of age. The second reason these foods contain botulinum spores.
Intestinal tract in adults has been able to prevent the growth of spores produced from the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. But the baby, if the spores get into the baby's stomach can grow and produce toxins or poisons that can be life-threatening.
Besides honey and corn syrup, here are foods that should be avoided until your child reaches the age of 2-3 years. These foods can be dangerous because it can cause the baby to choke. This is because babies under the age of 2-3 years, yet have good coordination and the number of teeth in the mouth are still small.
These foods include beans still intact form, peanut butter, caramel candies, chewing gum, all kinds of wine, fruit and raw vegetables are hard, large pieces of meat, hot dogs, raisins, popcorn, potato chips or corn, and candy.
You also need to be wary of foods containing high nitrate. Foods containing high nitrate can actually cause anemia. The food is also advised not to enter the menu infants under the age of 8 months.
Foods that contain nitrates can be found in vegetables and meat. Among them are carrots, beets, beans, and spinach. As for meats, which contain nitrates commonly found in processed-meats like meatballs, sausage, and bacon.
In making baby food, you should avoid using salt and sugar. Introduce flavor sugar and salt too early, it will make it "hooked" with a sweet or salty foods such.
These conditions will certainly have a negative impact on children's health. Let your child experience the natural flavors of the vegetables and other foods. That way he will get used to the taste. In order to maintain the baby's health, be sure to avoid poorly feeding for babies.
Food Supplement for Infants
For the initial stage, supplementary food fed to infants must be more dense than the milk. Additional food density also need to be improved little by little, in accordance with the age of the baby's development in order to build the ability to chew and taste food properly. The best way to know when you're supposed to give extra food to infants is to look at your baby's development chart regularly. This could be done by looking at your baby's weight. Weight babies should be weighed every month until he was 1 year old.
Then, how the characteristics of additional baby food is good and right? Nutritionists agree that a good supplementary food for infants aged 4-6 months is food that is clean, healthy, hygienic and easy to prepare and can be obtained easily.
In addition to breast milk, infants aged 4-6 months require supplementary food so that she can grow up healthy. The opinion is supported by the following facts:
The increasing age of the baby, the more it will require more nutrients. The nutrients present in breast milk is not enough for babies aged 4-6 months.
Weight infants at that age should be twice the weight at birth, so it is necessary to supplementary food their nutritional intake.
At the age of 4-6 months, the iron content in the body will decrease and the baby only breast milk is not enough to replace the missing iron.
Babies need a lot of calcium for bones and teeth begin to grow.
Age baby's digestive system is ready to digest foods mushy.
Know Your Toddler Nutrition Needs
To meet the nutritional needs of toddlers begin to eat solid food, flavor and texture accept new foods he tried.
Toddler growth course is supported with a healthy nutrition and nutritious variety of foods. For the age of the children required 1000-1400 calories per day, but it depends on your age, the body, as well as the level of activity of the child.
Nutritional needs of children is a top priority in sufficient nutritional needs every day. Nutrients needed by toddlers will certainly play an important role in supporting the growing day by day. The toddler years are a transition period in which the age of 1-2 years.
Here's the average number of children who needed nutritional requirements each day at children aged 2-3 years:
Amount needed per day in children aged 2 years: 1 cup servings.
Amount needed per day in children aged 3 years: 1.5 cups of drinks.
Sample food and manner of presentation: to be sure could use a pint glass. Serve vegetables that have been finely, cut up small and cooked until done to prevent choking.
Amount needed per day in children aged 2 years: 1 cup servings.
Amount needed per day in children aged 3 years: 1.5 cups of drinks.
Sample food and manner of presentation: to make the numbers using measuring cups. Bananas with 20-23 cm length equal to 1 cup servings.
Meat and beans
Amount needed per day in children aged 2 years: 2 ounces (65 grams).
Amount needed per day in children aged 3 years: 3-4 ounces (85-115 grams).
Sample food and manner of presentation: 1 ounce is equal to 1 ounce (300 grams) of chicken or fish, 1/4 cup servings of cooked beans or 1 egg.
Amount needed per day in children aged 2 years: 2 cups (400 ml).
Amount needed per day in children aged 3 years: 2 cups (400 ml).
Sample food and manner of presentation: 1 cup of the same as 1 cup milk, 1 1/2 ounces (45 grams) natural cheese, or 2 ounces (60 grams) of processed cheese.
Amount needed per day in children aged 2 years: 3 ounces (85 grams).
Amount needed per day in children aged 3 years: 4-5 ounces (110-140 grams).
Sample food and manner of presentation: 1 ounce equals 1 slice of bread, 1 cup servings of cereal ready to eat, or 1/2 cup servings of rice or pasta that has been cooked kind.
In addition to the above nutritional requirements, infants also equipped with intake of 500 milligrams of calcium per day. Amount of nutrients is very easy to get if you give at least two glasses of milk per day. Toddler badly in need of calcium and vitamin D, which is essential for building strong bones.
Inadequate nutritional needs of your toddler every day by providing the nutrients needed by the body in addition to the above, such as tyrosine, tryptophan, sphingomyelin, DHA, AA, SA, as well as zinc and several other supporting vitamins that children get a complete and balanced nutrition for the growth optimal. That way, the child will grow up healthy, strong, and smart.
The nutritional requirements of infants more such as 7 milligrams of iron is also needed by toddlers every day. Can be obtained from food sources of rice, meat, chicken, fish, beans, tofu and foods rich in vitamin C such as broccoli
Solutions Healthy Eating
With healthy eating solutions , the child will grow up healthy. Important source of energy should be given to children, especially when age is entering school age or the age of 5-11 years.
Here are tips for kids healthy eating solutions .
Make sure your child is eating regularly every day, the solution was well done. Never leave the breakfast, because breakfast children can get enough energy to run its activities.
Sources of carbohydrates should be provided for your child. Such as bread, wheat, rice, potatoes, cereals and pasta, one of which must be provided in a single day.
In addition to carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits are also required to provide at least five servings each day. Kind can be varied such as papaya, watermelon, apples, pears or oranges.
Preventing obesity in children is needed. Serve lean meats such as fish or chicken without skin.
Excessive salt intake can cause hypertension. This disease must be prevented since childhood. Avoid using salt in cooking for your child.
Source of calcium is necessary for bone growth. But parents also need to choose the type of low-fat milk to prevent obesity.
If you have a healthy meal solution for kids, please add in the comments, you can also read and find healthy food for children is what can I write to challenge healthy eating solutions.
Healthy Food for Children
Just like adults, children also need to eat a variety of foods for health. It's just that we as parents need to pay attention to the nutrients in these foods, so that your child grow into a healthy and intelligent children.
Here are some simple examples of healthy foods that you can present to your child:
A mixture of fruits and dried beans.
Vegetables fresh, frozen, or canned or fruits can be served in regular or low fat yogurt.
Rice cakes, wheat crackers, or whole wheat bread served with low fat cheese, pieces of fruit spreads, peanut butter, almond butter or soy nut butter.
Pretzels or popcorn sprinkled with salt-free seasoning blend.
Fruit smoothie made with low fat milk or yogurt and frozen fruit or fresh fruit.
Dry cereals served plain or with low-fat milk or fat free milk.
You can also try to make healthy snacks for your kids at home
Kids Meals Ideas
Give a good example. Parents should set an example for the children, including in terms of eating. Children watch what you eat, even when you do not realize they are watching you. For example, when you're watching TV accompanied by a plate of fries and a bag of chips. It sends the wrong message to kids, that's what meals should be enjoyed everyday. They will not know whether the food is nutritious enough or is there a bad influence. Instead, make healthy meals as your snacks, such as a piece of fresh fruit in the middle of the day and offer to children.
Cook healthy meals. You do not need to force your kids to eat healthy foods with a variety of reasons to lose weight. To encourage healthy eating habits your kids, cut your snack habits, and cook various dishes at home. Use your creativity to cultivate a variety of cuisines. If you get children to eat food from their small home, they were not going to get used to eating snacks out of less promising nutritional intake.
Give rewards. Give rewards to the children when they are willing to eat vegetables or fruits that you provide for him. For example, children love ice cream. Then you can set the rules, they can enjoy an ice cream if they've spent a serving of fruit is provided. In short, a snack of fruit and vegetables mainly, while the others are his favorite snack is only positioned it as a bonus
Be firm and consistent. When it has set rules for healthy eating at home, be consistent with these rules. Do not give any leeway just because a child complains of being lazy or being tired. If the child does not spend his share of vegetables, do not give a penalty to give his favorite dessert. Children are much easier to understand immediate reward or punishment than just a greeting. Discuss these rules with your partner, so you can support each other.
Similarly, the tips may be useful for you to teach your child to eat healthy foods, find interesting info on healthy snacks for kids
Snacks Ideas for Toddlers
I will try to bring healthy snacks ideas for toddlers made easy and practical and, most importantly, beneficial to health and development of your child's body. Because closely related, recipes for children aged under five we also include.
Some of them are healthy snacks ideas for toddlers: ground beef squash team, the team chopped broccoli shrimp, chicken claw corn team, team chicken liver brown rice, broccoli know the team, team snapper corn, rice, minced meat team, team green bean sauce brown sugar, and a team of brown rice, sweet corn and chicken team.
As a complement, in addition to healthy snacks ideas for toddlers on this blog there will be articles that are related to health and the growth and development of infants and toddlers, which are about the equipment needed to prepare for the little intake. Hopefully with this information, you as parents can easily make healthy kids meals to suit the tastes of your baby.