Vegetarian Diet for Babies

Suitable or not a vegetarian diet for babies?
By providing a nutritious and varied meals for your baby, it is suitable for vegetarian babies. Vegetarian in infants is not problematic, even very good.

Vegetarian Diet for Babies

Vegetarian Diet for Babies

The results of the studies suggest that there is no vegetarian infants suffering from malnutrition. But on the contrary there is an excess vegetarian toddler nutrition or weight loss.

Vegetarian can be done on the baby, but we have to plan well on nutrition and type of food varies each time continuously. Special attention is focused on the needs of a diet rich in nutrients such as protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D in the diet is vegetarian.

To make a vegetarian diet in infants, we have to make sure some of the foods that must be consumed like: whole grains, milk (preferably soy milk), and nuts.

So what is an important nutrient for babies vegetarian?
Essential nutrients for baby vegetarians include iron, vitamin B12, and protein. Iron is present in wheat, whole grains, dark leafy vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, green beans, peas, dried fruits, such as apricots, as variations could also be cake nuts, soy products, or soups thick.

Other sources rich in vitamin B12 present in yeast extract, milk and infant formula products. Give your baby at least until the first birthday. Rich source of protein for cereals, breads, rice and pasta. Provide different types of proteins in the menu of your baby each week, so the essential amino acids in your baby to be balanced.