Although often panicked mother, actually spit up in baby are rare to serious. If your baby still looks comfortable and there was no trouble with her weight, then spit on your baby could say spit up normal and nothing to worry.
After the mother's milk, not the least occurred in baby spit up. It is indeed often occurs in infants and reasonable. But not a few women who panicked during the baby spit up. Do not worry, you can prevent spit up with some of these tips.
Spit up in babies usually occurs in the first three months after the baby is born. At the age of 12 months, usually spit had stopped. If you spit up often, you should be aware of. Because there may be problems in the baby's stomach.
When you give your child a meal, preferably in an upright sitting position. This is to avoid vomiting. Preferably at mealtime, done calmly and avoid feeding while performing active game.
Perform breastfeeding or milk gradually and by a considerable amount. The amount is too much, it could be one of the triggers of the baby spit up. Arrange in such a way as to your baby's feeding schedule.
Try to make baby burp in the middle of lactation and after he finished. You do not need to worry if your baby does not burp. Maybe there is no air in the stomach. In order to burp, you can rub or pat his back gently to encourage air to rise.
Another thing you need to do is check a baby pacifier. When you select a dot, choice of sizes to suit your baby's age. Dot is too large, making the milk flow fast and if the dot is small, can make your baby frustrating.
Do not panic in case of spit up on your baby. Do it calmly steps to prevent the baby spit up. If the spit is very common and disturbing baby, you should immediately consult with a pediatrician.